Need support for your family?
Lisa Hillegas is an experienced family law mediator and collaborative attorney. She is here to give you the legal support and advice you need.
One of my main goals in providing family law mediation and collaborative law services is to help empower clients to competently address their legal needs while reducing the confusion, strife and uncertainty in the process. For over 30 years as an attorney I have remained focused on helping “real people deal with real problems.” I know first hand what it’s like to get divorced, co-parent, and raise children as a single parent. I offer emotional intelligence as well as legal expertise to help clients deal with the challenges that arise in family related conflicts as humanely as possible.
- Lisa H. Hillegas
With experience mediating, litigating and negotiating complex family law matters in Mendocino County and the Bay area, Lisa handles the entire range of family matters, including mediation and collaborative law approaches for:
Marital Settlement Agreements
Pre-Marital and Post-Marital Agreements
Custody, including move-away disputes and jurisdiction
Parenting Plans
Child Support
Spousal Support
Parental Rights Terminations
Paternity and Third-Party Rights
Name and Gender Changes